Our Services

As a single mother of one, I have a heart for single mothers who are committed to raising their children to become successful individuals and contributors to the world. Having that firsthand experience positions me to be an expert in this area that can inspire, encourage, motivate, mentor and leave hope where the challenges that concern us can become overwhelming. I understand the need for single parents to have a community that is supportive, honest, transparent, and gives encouragement, hope and faith in knowing that there is nothing too hard to overcome.

Mothers are leaders who create strong foundations for their children and we do not always get it right and we do our best with what we have. We have the fight to survive, overcome, protect, nourish and build our children to the best of our ability and it is never easy doing it alone or with a partner by your side. Our children are often why we get up each morning and why we push through the most difficult experiences in life. I charge you today and everyday along with myself to wake up each day intentionally, with purpose, poise, a push and passion. We must choose to overcome the moments of mystery and place love for ourselves as a priority!

Let us dream to achieve, achieve to lead and lead to leave a legacy that our lineage can be blessed by! Know that WE ARE IMPORTANT, NEEDED AND LOVED!! I speak with groups of Professional Single Mothers and if you or someone you know desires to create an event for Professional Single Mothers, host a conference, establish a platform for monthly speaking events or small to large scaled events contact us today to discuss what is possible. It takes a B7ĀVE human being to be a Professional and a Single Mother. Schedule a 30-minute discovery call today!

As an expert who is experienced and has been successful as a prior Parole Officer and Hearing Officer for the Board of Pardons and Paroles in Texas, I understand what it takes for a loved one to be successful on supervision. Through years of supervision I understand the challenges the second chance population face daily and the requirements they must meet to become, remain and succeed while being on Parole. I have spoken with the second chance community, supervised them and worked closely with their families, employers and sponsors to ensure compliance and successful completion.

I have been in positions to recommend actions to the Board, review policy and understand the practices. I have worked with and trained Parole Attorney’s and family members for parolees leading up to, during and after the entire Preliminary and Parole Revocation processes. I have monitored cases with pending charges, those who have received convictions and those who went through the entire revocation process from beginning to end. I have completed workshops for law enforcement agencies and was a liaison for the Board, Jails and Courts. My experience and success rate exceeds all expectations.

I seek to assist individuals and families with the supervision needs of the second chance community who are currently on supervision and those completing their supervision. This is not an opportunity for anyone who does not choose and decides to live a life of integrity, responsibly and who believes they will not be held accountable for their actions or lack of actions. I will NOT work this program for you. I will NOT be the crutch. You MUST own your actions. I will NOT justify, accept excuses or allow you to half do what you commit yourself to doing. I WILL empower you, provide you with tools, recommendations and resources as needed/requested. This is YOUR opportunity to successfully reintegrate back into these communities and into the lives of your families as allowed and desired by them and it is your responsibility to honor and own YOUR actions.

If you or someone you know needs assistance, is ready to make an investment into their future and success and is committed to living life with integrity, respect and intention contact us for a free 30-minute discovery call. If you or someone you know are having challenges with their parole supervision and desire assistance, contact us to determine if we can assist and schedule a free 30-minute discovery call.

If you, your family, church or community is interested in having a workshop or conference for Nakia The B7ĀVE Speaker Franklin to speak on topics surrounding Parole Supervision, Compliance, Preliminary or Revocation Hearings, Recidivism and Community and Family Support of Second Chance Community Members contact us for a free 30-minute discovery call.

Are you ready to transform your thinking, your communication, your leadership, your team and your life?


Conferences And Workshops

Boundless Conversation

 In safe spaces conversations are had that are authentic, transparent and raw that fosters respect for individual differences to reach common ground. This is interactive and engaging dialogue and the 1st of several conversations.

Redemption Workshop

Through Self-Love and Acceptance our clients are able to forgive and move beyond what stops them from living a life of love, laughter, joy and freedoms. Within this custom designed series of conversations our clients get complete with the past to move with intentionality towards their purpose.

Appointed Time

Clients are assisted in defining goals, strategies and developing focus on the now while creating lasting solutions to problems that are discovered immediately or over time with measurable results.  This is for all skill levels and clients who are willing to invest and dedicate a minimum of 3-to-12 months to see results with individualized plans. 

Victorious Speaking

Does your team lack inspiration, motivation, drive and encouragement? This series is made to foster individuals, teams, and groups to take actions for results and is driven by collaborative efforts where the idea of something being “not possible” is not an option. This course is powerful, engaging, interactive and brought alive through acknowledgement.

Empowerment Movement

To be moved into action to become your best-self while bridging gaps, contributing to others, and making a difference in the lives of humanity. Moving beyond personal achievements we focus here on seeking ways to give back, leading a movement of small to large initiatives within your agency and your community while making positive contributions to the world. Discover a need, identify the problem (gap), create and implement the solution(s).